WWF - Protest with your meals

Campaign idea, Communication

Promoting an important social cause with actionable and meaningful campaign ideas. 


The role of WWF is much bigger than just protecting animals in forests; it is to keep us to continue thriving together with nature. 

The challenge was encouraging young people to eat more plant-based food to reduce the environmental impact. From research data, young people might be more open to eating plant-based food for environmental purposes, but that doesn't necessarily mean they do it (cost and time concerns...). So actually, meat consumption is quite high in that group. How does WWF inspire young people to eat more plant-based in the middle of this cost of living crisis? 

I worked on this brief with M&C Saatchi as a part of their Open House program exercise.‬


To make people realise how we choose to eat impacts on our planet. Be mindful so that they can make positive choices for the planet by starting with their meals. It is more practical and actionable.

To show that plant-based meal ain't boring, they can be something to be proud of and to look forward to

One meal at a time makes a world of difference‭. Protest with your plate.‬

We protest because we care, and we want changes.

Protesting voices should be loud enough to get the attention, as are the visuals. Borrowed the visual treatments of making protest placards and the DIY aesthetic‭, ‬I put together visual elements of spray paint‭, ‬tearing papers‭, ‬stamps‭, ‬hand-drawn letters and symbols‭; ‬the WWF brand colours of black and white contrasting with a flash of bright colours brings a sense of urgency and call-for-actions‭.‬





Produce a stickers pack and Instagram filter to express your creative side when posting your meals on social media.

Get people to make a conscious decision each time they eat.‬
Be influential‬

Generate your own 'Placard'

M&C Saatchi Open House Program Exercise | Role: Strategy development with feedback from M&C Saatchi, Concept and Visual design | UK

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Hi! For any collaboration and work, feel free to reach out to my email: yuen.luu@icloud.com

+44 (0) 7542090218  |  Manchester, UK  |  Download my CV
