I'm Kristen Luu. A concept-driven designer based in London, specialising in crafting unique visual expressions for brands, with a focus on building strategy and storytelling.


Strategy development
Project management


Brand identity
Brand world
Concept development
Art direction
Integrated campaign

[ FROM 08/2022 - NOW ]

Freelance Brand Designer


After years of working in design agencies, I went back to school and finished a course at Nottingham Trent University, UK. It was a great opportunity to develop my design thinking in different areas, and not limited to graphic design. 

The human-centred design principle has always been my focus throughout my design process. In order to gain more understanding of it, I researched, wrote a dissertation and finally created a design artefact base on the topic of "Empathy in design". 


 <  <  <  <  <  PREVIOUS WORKING EXPERIENCE - +6 Years

I'm originally from Vietnam, where I learned my design craft through various working experiences, from web design to advertising, and later I found my love for brand creation. I then moved to Shanghai and Singapore to pursue my career development. Those experiences have elevated my design thinking to another level. So now, I'm continuing my quest of learning and growing in the UK, which is well-known for its creative & design development.


Experienced design for a wide range of sectors

Strong conceptual thinking & design instinct

Brand strategy and consumer insights

Efficient projects & time management

Communication & Teamwork



2D Graphics - Photoshop, Illustration, Indesign

3D - Dimension, Sketch3D

Motion - AfterEffect 

Digital design - Figma, XD

CMS websites building

 TOWARD THE FUTURE  >  >  >  >  >  


 Experience Design

Digital design with Figma & Motion design

I believe that anything can become more unique when given enough love. I have helped brands find their distinctive voices through visual storytelling with experiences across various sectors, including Food & Beverage, Personal care, Beauty, Tech products, Real Estate & Place-making. I work best in combining Strategy and Design. 

Besides branding, I am looking for more collaborations in the realm of technology, health & wellness, and sustainable lifestyle. If you have a project that needs a visual wizard, please get in touch. Although freelancing at the moment, I'm seeking a full-time role because designing for brands requires a deeper understanding and a long-term commitment.     

Hi! For any collaboration and work, feel free to reach out to my email: yuen.luu@icloud.com

+44 (0) 7542090218  |  LONDON, UK

